The Blog

Which RAID configuration is best for my server

It is likely that you have come here because you are looking for a Dedicated Server and you are at

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

What are additional domains or cPanel Addon Domains and why not use them

Addon Domains, or now additional domains, from cPanel are an option to host several web pages on the same hosting

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

Voice searches and how they affect SEO

Our way of searching for information on Google is no longer even a shadow of what it was 10 years

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What is Lead Scoring and why is it so important?

What is Lead Scoring? Surely this is not the first time you have heard this term or read it on

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

7 elements that cannot be missing from your website

We know that creating a website is not a piece of cake, although using a CMS or content manager like

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

What is dropshipping? Advantages and disadvantages of this new business model

Surely the term already sounds familiar to you if you have seen it on a blog or website, but are

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller


Since 2020 we have been offering you a new Hosting concept, our Smart Hosting (a standard in the Hosting sector).

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Alternative to Vultr: Why it is better to choose WNPower

WNPower is the perfect alternative to Vultr and we will tell you in this note why. Of course this is

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

Why a low pricing strategy could dynamite your business

You will have noticed that the same product costs different depending on the business where you decide to buy it,

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

How to create a website in WordPress

Doing sports, a healthy diet, an English course, spending more time with your family and friends… Surely you have a

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