Latest SSL News

Resolving the “Your Connection is Not Private” Error: A Comprehensive Guide for SSL Certificate Issues

Introduction: In the digital age, online security is paramount, and the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate plays a pivotal role

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Let’s Encrypt vs. Paid SSL Certificate: Unraveling the Differences

Introduction: The HTTPS Revolution and the SSL Dilemma In a recent blog post, we discussed Google's latest security update set

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There is a lot of noise about the importance of having an SSL certificate on our website, and the benefits

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Since 2020 we have been offering you a new Hosting concept, our Smart Hosting (a standard in the Hosting sector).

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

Alternative to Vultr: Why it is better to choose WNPower

WNPower is the perfect alternative to Vultr and we will tell you in this note why. Of course this is

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

Why a low pricing strategy could dynamite your business

You will have noticed that the same product costs different depending on the business where you decide to buy it,

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

How to create a website in WordPress

Doing sports, a healthy diet, an English course, spending more time with your family and friends… Surely you have a

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Free hosting: When to choose it and what advantages it has

If you've come this far, you've probably already decided to start a website or a personal blog, but you don't

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What is Web Hosting?

If you are taking your first steps in the digital world and want to create a website for your company

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller

How to improve WordPress speed?

Nowadays WordPress has become one of the most used CMS (Content Managers) in recent years, using it is very simple,

Kelvin Miller Kelvin Miller